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* only Stealth® Toilet is Watersense approved

Niagara Stealth Toilets Deliver Proven Water and Cost Savings in California


What kind of water fixtures do you have?


Before 1992, the average toilet used 3.5 gallon per flush (GPF) and the average showerhead and aerator had flow rates of 5.0 gallons per minute (GPM).




After 1992, federal regulations mandated that toilets can’t use more the 1.6 GPF, showerhead can’t use more than 2.5 GPM and aerators can’t use more that 2.2 GPM.

Per Unit Averages¹

Based on an average of pre-1992 units and standard units found in the home water consumption would be 2.2 GPF for toilets, 3.25 GPM for showerheads, and 3.04 GPM for aerators.

The Stealth System

The Stealth® uses 0.8 GPF. The Tri-Max Showerhead used an average of 1.0 GPM and all three aerators (Tri-max, versa, and the Low-Flow) combined use an average on 1.0 gallon GPM is beyond what federal regulations mandates.

Water Consumption & Savings

1. Averages based on saturation of 70% of units at 1.6 GPF and 30% at 3.5 GPM for toilets, a saturation of 70% of the units at 2.5 GPM and 30% at 5 GPM for showerheads and a saturation of 70% of the units at 2.2 GPM and 30% at 5 GPM 2. Aerators are a combined average of all three being used in a home.being used in a home. 3. Flushes based on Alliance for Water Efficiency Data on household usage of water products  •  4. 2.91 People based on US government Census data for the State of California as of 2009.  • 5. Based on FEMP website water calculator for showerheads (EPA) • 6. Based on FEMP website water calculator for aerators (EPA)  • 7. Water and waste water rates are based on City of Los Angeles tier one water rates of $9.16 per 1,000 gallons